Know what branding is and how to manage your brand

destaque branding


Have you ever done a Google search or watched an interesting series on Netflix?


When we talk about big brands, it is clear how much the positioning of a business can directly impact sales.


Understanding how branding works and how your company can optimize results with proper positioning in the market is critical.


For this reason, we present this article.


Find out once and for all what branding is and the importance of brand management that ensures your business is visible to the right audience.


Discover the main steps to implement the strategies and mistakes you shouldn't make. Good reading!


What is branding and what is it for?


Have you ever thought about the main difference between those brands you admire and those that pass without standing out?


One of the main reasons some companies stand out is the simple fact that they know what their purpose is and what to do to express it to the public.


Branding is a set of actions and strategic planning which aims to make your brand stand out for its purpose, mission, vision and values.


In other words, it's developing a personality for the brand, making customers and prospects identify with it.


Branding campaigns aim to increase brand visibility and recall, strengthening the relationship with the target audience. In this way, the company is able to position itself with greater strength in the market, ensuring more strength at all stages of the customer purchase journey.

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What are the benefits of implementing this strategy?


Have you ever stopped to think about how many times you need to make decisions during a day?


Making a purchase represents a part of these decisions and the tendency is to look for patterns to facilitate these choices.


For example, the price comparison. However, when the person manages to connect with the brand, understanding the added values, the price no longer has that weight.


The customer is willing to spend a little more to align with the brand they identify with. In addition, it is easier for him to remember this option at the time of purchase.


That is, with branding the company stands out from the competition to the point of becoming unique to the public.


How to implement a branding strategy?


There are several steps for you to implement a branding strategy in your business. Check out the top tips to ensure efficient brand management.


Market research


The first thing you need to do to get started with branding is to understand your audience and market.


For this, it is interesting to make a market research. Understand how your direct and indirect competitors are acting, what the audience's behavior, expectations, desires and objections are.


Then, analyze the purpose of your business and reflect on what points make your brand unique and how it can meet the public.

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Visual identity


Another key point in branding is ensuring that your brand's visual identity is present in your campaigns.


You can make printed pieces, advertise in offline media and bet on social media as Instagram and Twitter: make your audience understand who is talking.


O importante é que em todo e qualquer lugar que sua marca esteja presente, a mesma deixe sua lembrança e transmita os seus valores de forma visual.


When accessing your website, your profile on social networks or seeing your billboard, he can see that it is the same company.


Here we bring two examples of visual identity applied to the presentation of Pegase and ABME (Brazilian Association of Aesthetic Medicine) brands, using motion design techniques we show the development of logos.




Relationship with the public


The product marketing It's critical for you to make your brand stand out, but none of this will have value if you don't focus on the center of your strategy: the customer! Yes, it is very important that you know the consumer's profile, listen to customers and also interact.


With social networks this has become easier, but not all companies are betting on this type of interaction.


Remember to talk to the audience and increase their engagement with the brand.


Experiences to generate value


Another important point in branding strategies is experiences.


Even if your digital marketing strategies are excellent and you develop institutional campaigns to highlight the brand, the experience will still be the great differential for a well-done brand management.


Large companies usually do very creative actions, get inspired and create something that surprises your audience.

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What are the main mistakes when doing brand management?


In addition to the strengths in brand management, it is also important to check some details so as not to run the risk of creating a negative view of the brand.


Here are some mistakes you should avoid when developing your branding actions so as not to harm your brand positioning.


Think it's a punctual action

Sometimes the company makes a big investment in brand management and when it reaches the desired visibility, it forgets about branding.


Branding actions are to reinforce the personality of the brand, think that your company is constantly expanding, meeting new people and, even if you have the same customer base, you need to adapt to trends.


Therefore, branding actions must be constant.


Confuse any marketing campaign with branding


Digital marketing trends are very important to increase prospects and optimize the sales cycle.


This does not mean that any piece that features the company logo is a branding campaign.


Remember that to manage the brand, the focus should not be on sales and the relationship with the public should be one of the main objectives.

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Not developing a personality for the brand


In this article, we show the importance of a well-defined visual identity, however, there are more aspects to help the public identify your brand.


Understand what the personality of the company is, it can be characteristics or values ​​that define the business.


Thus, you also create guidelines so that other people such as collaborators can reinforce these principles.


Forget about the public


As much as brand management seems to be talking about the company, none of this makes sense if you don't think about who you're talking to.


Know your client's principles, how he thinks, what he expects.


In this way, it is possible to develop a strategy that is aligned with the expectations of the persona, strengthening brand management.


Did you like to know more about what branding is and understand that this strategy is fundamental?


To ensure that brand management is carried out with quality, it is important to have the partnership of professionals who guarantee adequate campaigns to achieve the established objectives.


If you liked this text and want to find out how branding can impact your company's results and brand management?


So Contact us, we will be happy to talk about it!